How to Generate Reports with Timbba and How it can Help Sawmillers
Timbba has a most crucial function i.e., reporting that helps users to manage data, keeping data entry accurate & smooth workflow. Reporting keeps sawmill owners up to date on daily work activities whether they present in a mill or while traveling.
We always encourage our clients to work digitally with the help of Timbba- software for the timber industry to make their work more accurate, efficiently, and reduce fraud in the sawmill and timber industry. So, building reports digitally we have provided multiple options/ filters for users to check and verify reports on Timbba App & Desktop.
Most of our clients have shared feedback with us and tell why creating a report is important to them? And how does it gave benefits to them? Earlier they used to maintain records manually feeding data on books which consumes a lot of time, Sometimes they get wrong data, lost & trash of paper documents, and even getting reports after a month. As a result, it causes delays in orders, data leakage, Un-monitored staff & labor work, low productivity of staff & bad impact on core work.
As per our market research in the Timber industry, these similar issues are also facing by other sawmill owners. So, keeping in mind these types of issues we have come up with a solution “Timbba Reporting”. With the help of the Timbba reporting function, a sawmill owner can easily access any relevant information on his mobile phone that helps to keep all the required information organized and get reports done quickly from Gate, Machine, Stock, and Loading module. The admin can easily download all the reports in an excel, pdf, CSV format, and can take the print out of the reports at the same time. Apart from that, Timbba Reporting has amazing customized features that help the user to keep records on a fingertip.
1. Users can archive backdate records.
2. Admin can access data by using filters by (Location-wise, Machine wise, Consignment wise, Date wise, Contractor wise, etc.)
3. In a real-time, admin can export data offline in an excel.
4. Admin can get records on a search just putting barcode numbers.
Getting reports on Timbba is a very easy process and as we have given tons of customized filters to get access to reports. In the reports section, users can see the reports of Gate-In reports, Machines reports, Stock/Inventory Reports, Loading reports.
4 Types of Reports that can Help Sawmillers
1). Gate-In Report: Reporting starts with the Gate-In module when logs truck reached sawmill gate and scanning process starts. Once the scanning is done the data upload on the cloud where admin can access reports in real-time. Admin can check data using customized filters by (consignment, Mills location, Date). Gate report helps admin to get updates on recent consignment and monitor data with the help of customized fields (consignment delivery details, location details, total pieces received, how much left at the port, How many pieces are matched, and un-matched, vehicle number, gate pass number). Although admin can download reports in CSV, PDF, Excel format and can take a print out of reports.
Admin can excess reports as Logs Grade wise by simply select consignment number, choose mill location and he can get tons of customized fields in reports like (Grade, length, total pieces, total volume, tally-non tally pieces, pending pieces and so on). Similarly, he can access data as Batch Grade length, Batch-length.
2). Machine Report: The second step is Machine/Sawmilling reports come after unloading of logs in a mill. Machines report helps admin to get a day to day sawmilling data which gives benefit to arrange orders accordingly. Admin can check data with customized filters by Mill location, Date, Contractor). This report includes numerous customized fields like (Mill number, location, consignment, grade, length, logs count, How much CFT has purchased, how much CFT in a mill, variation in CFT, and variation in percentage). As admin access various reports by grade, stock, summary, pending stock, variation comparison, sawing by grade& length, day-wise sawing, weekly sawing.
3). Stock Report: Stock report helps admin to keep update on sawn wood and manage orders as per the requirement. Also, stock reporting keep record & manage stock by machine and volume. By simply selecting the Mill location, Machine, and Date and admin get a report by sawn wood measurement, quantity, and volume. In a net stock report in which admin and check report by measurement, stock pieces, stock CFT, net pieces, net CFT. In the stock utilization report admin can get the report by (Loading Volume, Latest Stock Volume, Last Stock Volume, Machine Volume, Utilization %, Wastage %). In stock, logs report admin get the report by date, type, mill, measurement, the order Volume.
4). Loading Reports: Loading report helps admin in-order delivery of sawn wood. That keep update admin on delivery of orders by loading batch with given details of (customer/party details, vehicle details, volume, order weight, average volume/weight). Admin can check it by product, by weight, by volume.
Conclusion: In Timbba, reporting all the data/records are organized in an accurate way and can be used instantly for accounting or sales documentation. There’s no need to specially design a document, as everything is instantly available after the measurement is made. So say “bye-bye” all the paper-documents that get wet or lost so easily.